On her website, Marta Puig de la Bellacasathe landscape designer who is pouring all her expertise into the project, says that "every vibio is a garden".
And gardens can become agents for the promotion of biodiversity. Biodiversity encompasses a whole interconnected life cycle, including living things, plants, trees, soil, air and other natural elements. It is a system of which we are a part and which is sustained by all kinds of interactions.
Marta sees gardens as a key space to regenerate this diversity. By creating and caring for them, we can encourage life in the soil, plants, trees and microorganisms, helping to restore the natural balance of the ecosystem. Vibio landscaping takes all of this into account to create a space that not only minimizes its environmental impact, but can contribute to the ecosystem of the area.
The many dangers facing ecosystems
Biodiversity is currently under threat. One of the main elements that sustain it, the soil, is being degraded, especially through intensive agricultural practices, soil compaction and erosion. Healthy soil is key to maintaining ecological balance, as it harbors microorganisms that aid in the decomposition and recycling of nutrients. One of the primary goals of the vibio landscaping project is to maintain the health of that soil.
Traditionally, construction processes compact the soils on which buildings are erected, also affecting the surrounding terrain. To avoid this, Marta proposes the use of soil protection techniques during construction, the creation of refuge areas, as well as decompaction after construction. These actions allow oxygen and water to permeate the soil so that plants can develop properly. As you can see, it is not enough to decarbonize construction processes; the complexities of the environment must also be taken into account.
Thus, the vibio.land garden, which will cover the five hectares of land on which the project is located and in which we will plant about 400 new trees, will consist of native plants (oak, shrubs, fruit trees and a long and varied etcetera) that will intermingle with the fauna and flora of the area, thus promoting biodiversity. In addition, we will conserve or move the trees that are already in the plot.
The greater or lesser lushness and density of the vegetation will determine a greater or lesser degree of privacy: as we get closer to the houses, the arrangement of the vegetation will form more private spaces.
To learn more about the vibio.land garden, we leave you with the talk that Marta gave at the I Jornada de Economía Regenerativa, held in Higuera de las Dueñas.